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Summer Lessons

Home > Private Music Lessons > Summer Hold

Student have three options for Summer Lessons:

1. Stay on the schedule

Keep your current day and time for as long as you want. Cancel whatever lessons you know you can't attend in exchange for Make-Up Credits which can be redeemed for Make-Up Lessons at any time, with any instructor, on any instrument.

No Action Required

2. Summer Hold (July & Aug)

Pause lessons for up to 8 weeks. Your lesson time is reserved for when you return, guaranteed. You reserve your current spot by pre-paying for the returning month. No registration fee charged when you return.

Summer Hold Form

3. Withdraw from lessons

We remove you from the schedule completely. We cannot guarantee your day and time will be available if/when you return. You will be charged a registration fee when you return.

Withdrawal Form

Fill out my online form.