School Band & Orchestra Rentals
How the rental program works
Costs to Rent
You can rent an instrument for a monthly fee which includes tax and insurance (see Liability Damage Waiver Coverage). There are 3 instrument categories with different rental rates (see the chart below for full details)
Type of Instruments Available
You will receive a high quality student grade instrument in either new or previously rented condition. Any instruments that have been previously rented are clean and refurbished. The brands we carry include Yamaha, Bundy, Selmer, Jupiter, Gemeinhardt any other top quality student instruments.
Liability Damage Waiver Coverage
The instrument you rent is covered by a Liability Damage Waiver (LDW). This ensures that you will not be liable for loss of or damage to the instrument due to theft or fire.
The LDW does not cover mysterious disappearances from the band room or lockers. It does cover certain repairs at no charge to you unless the damage is due to negligence.
Returns, Exchanges, and Purchases
You can return the instrument at any time. You may also exchange the instrument for a different instrument as long as they’re both in the same rental rate category. You may purchase the instrument at any point in the rental agreement. There is a 30% discount off of the total remaining balance when you purchase an instrument outright within the first 18 months of the contract. After 18 months, the early purchase discount is 10%.
Rent to Own
Your rental agreement automatically enrolls you in a rent-to-own program. Each monthly rental fee is applied to the total cost of ownership. After a certain number of months of renting the instrument you will eventually own it. The time it takes to own an instrument depends on the total cost and the monthly rental rate. If you return the instrument you forfeit any credit you’ve accrued towards ownership.